What You Should Know Before You Hire an HVAC Company for Furnace Repair in Edmonton.

Leaves on the trees are beginning to fall, and the wind has an extra bite, which means winter in Edmonton is creeping in. In Alberta, your furnace is what will keep you cozy and comfortable during the colder months. It is essential to have a fully functioning furnace to keep the heat in your home […]
5 Reasons to Invest in Fall Furnace Maintenance.

If you live in the Edmonton area, you know that we’re accustomed to long, snowy, frigid winters. Our hardiness and cold weather experience might be put to the test this year. According to the 2022 Farmers’ Almanac, Alberta is in for “an unreasonably cold winter.” This means your furnace may be put to the test […]
3 Ways To Tell If It’s Time To Repair Or Replace Your Furnace.

Your furnace is on the fritz… Again. As summer draws to a close and signs of fall slowly start to appear, you may be thinking that it’s time to start preparing your home for winter. One of the most important ways you can prepare for the upcoming winter months, is by checking your furnace for […]
Furnace Maintenance Tips for Winter

We’ve said it before, and we will say it again… Alberta winter is tough, especially for your home furnace. During the winter months, your home’s furnace is one of the most important components to keeping your family safe and warm. A properly maintained furnace system will deliver maximum heat output throughout the home without wasting […]
Christmas Wish List: New Furnace ✓

What are you wishing for this Christmas? Christmas wish lists aren’t just for kids – everyone has one! It’s at this time of year when we think about what we really need and what those around us need. Do you want to keep your home warm and cozy all winter long? Do you want to […]