Home Heating Emergency!

Congratulations, you survived the latest Alberta cold snap! Did your home heating system struggle? Could your furnace keep your home nice and warm? Did you suffer from a home heating emergency? Let’s look at the three most common HVAC heating emergencies that you might want to avoid next time we get a burst of cold […]
Home Heating Repairs – A Common Winter Issue

Did you notice that our Alberta winter weather is here, and the temperature outside has dropped considerably? As a result you may be faced with some unavoidable home heating repairs! With this cold snap set to bring us record-setting -40 lows, our freezing winter weather presents some common challenges for the home heating system trying […]
Christmas Wish List: New Furnace ✓

What are you wishing for this Christmas? Christmas wish lists aren’t just for kids – everyone has one! It’s at this time of year when we think about what we really need and what those around us need. Do you want to keep your home warm and cozy all winter long? Do you want to […]
5 reasons why we install Napoleon furnaces
1) 100% Canadian Napoleon products are made in over 1,200,000 square feet of manufacturing space in Barrie, Ontario. Napoleon is the only furnace and air conditioner to be made 100% in Canada. 2) Competitive Warranty Included. Napoleon furnaces have a Lifetime Heat Exchangers Limited Warranty. This means Napoleon will replace the heat exchangers if they […]
Change your furnace filter!
Just a reminder from our team! Lack of air flow due to a dirty filter is one of the most common reasons for a service call. Your filter traps the unwanted dirt and dust particles we unknowingly produce and prevents them from recirculating through your home. At Ignite we recommend changing your filter at least […]