5 Benefits of Air Conditioner Maintenance & Repair Appointments.

benefits of annual air conditioner maintenance and repair appointments

If we have learned anything about Alberta summers, it’s that they are unpredictable. Fromthunderstorms and tornado alerts to extreme heat and air quality advisories, each summer dayis a mixed bag, which is why it’s important to make sure your HVAC system is ready for anything with annual air conditioner maintenance appointments.  Being able to cool […]

Can Air Conditioning Clean The Air In My Home?

We all know that Alberta summers can get hot.  During even the warmest days of the season, you know you can rely on your air conditioner. It works to keep your home cool and your family members happy. But because of the pandemic, many families have found themselves wanting more than just a cool home. […]

3 Ways To Keep Your Home Cool This Summer.

A woman relaxes in her comfortably cool home.

If you were living in Edmonton around this time last year, you know how brutal that mid-summer heatwave was! We saw temperatures nearing the 40 degrees celsius point in Alberta’s capital, and even the most robust central air systems and air conditioners had a hard time keeping up. Even the most well-cared-for systems had to […]

Should I Replace My Air Conditioner?

June is here and summer is not far behind! You’re getting ready to enjoy the warm days outside, and relax in a cool home when the day is done. However, your home may not be as comfortable as it once was when you first had your air conditioner installed. You might be asking yourself: Should […]

5 Myths About Your AC That You Need To STOP Believing!

The seasons are changing, at last! The temperatures are getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and your air conditioner will be turned on for the first time in 2022. It’s an exciting time! But there are a lot of things to be aware of when it comes to your air conditioner. It’s a very […]