Our Quote Process

Professionalism and the quality of workmanship is what sets Ignite Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd. apart to our customers. Quotes are provided after a job site visit is completed; accurate measurements are acquired and product selection is provided to ensure that all parties involved are aware of the scope of work and the price to […]
Air Conditioner Efficiency Tips – #4 of 4
It’s been four weeks and we are wrapping up our weekly air conditioner efficiency series. Our final tip will help to save you from your air conditioner freezing up, saving you a service call – something you will thank us for! Keep in mind that your air conditioners efficiency depends on having proper air flow. […]
Air Conditioner Efficiency Tips – #3 of 4
Can you believe we are almost half way through summer, our kids love the time off and they wish it was summer all year round. Continuing with our weekly tips for air conditioner efficiency, this week we want to talk about extending the life of your air conditioner system. By keeping blinds or shades down […]
Air Conditioner Efficiency Tips – #2 of 4

Hope you’ve had a great week! Continuing on with our series of weekly air conditioner efficiency tips, this week we want to talk about the temperature that you are keeping your house at. There is no need to blast the air conditioner at full tilt while you’re at work. Install a programmable thermostat that lets […]
Air Conditioner Efficiency Tips – #1 of 4

We are so thankful for such a beautiful summer so far this year, our kids are loving all the time they are spending outside! If you have air conditioning, you want to ensure their unit is running as efficiently as possible. Over the next four weeks we are going to provide a weekly tip that […]