5 Reasons Why Air Conditioner Maintenance Can Save You Money.

As Edmonton homeowners, we understand the importance of keeping our homes comfortable year-round. In the scorching summers, our air conditioners become our best friends, providing relief from the heat. However, to ensure your AC keeps running smoothly and efficiently, regular maintenance is essential. Ignite Heating and Air Conditioning is here to share why investing in […]

3 Common Air Conditioning Myths for Edmonton Homeowners.

Napoleon AC unit

Living in Edmonton means dealing with weather swings – scorching heat, chilling winds, snow and rain, sometimes all in one day. Keeping your home at just the right temperature is a big deal, and your air conditioning (AC) system is the unsung hero in this seasonal battle. There are all sorts of stories floating around […]

5 Ways to Save With a Smart Thermostat.

As a homeowner in Edmonton, you may have experienced the challenges of harsh winters and high energy bills. At Ignite Heating and Air Conditioning, we recognize the importance of a home that not only provides warmth but also does so in a cost-effective and eco-friendly manner.  That’s where the incredible innovation of smart thermostats comes […]

Keep Your Whip Warm with a Garage Heater This Winter.

As winter’s icy fingers tighten their grip, the harsh reality for Edmonton homeowners and car enthusiasts sets in: stepping into a freezing garage is bone-chilling. Yet, worry not, for there’s a tailored solution waiting for you: the garage heater! You might be on the fence, unsure if this investment is truly worth it. Picture a […]

6 Myths About Furnace and Air Conditioner Installations.

As Edmonton homeowners, we all want to ensure our living spaces are comfortable year-round. That’s why proper furnace and air conditioner installations are essential. However, there are several misconceptions regarding these installations. In this article, we’ll debunk six common myths about furnace and air conditioner installations to help you make informed decisions for your home […]