Home Heating Repairs – A Common Winter Issue

Common Home Heating Repairs

Did you notice that our Alberta winter weather is here, and the temperature outside has dropped considerably? As a result you may be faced with some unavoidable home heating repairs! With this cold snap set to bring us record-setting -40 lows, our freezing winter weather presents some common challenges for the home heating system trying […]

HVAC New Year’s Resolutions

New year banner

Are you a member of the “Good Intentions New Year’s Resolution Club”? Well, actually that’s not a real thing – but maybe you make New Year’s resolutions but never follow through with them past January 2nd? Many people do that – so you are not alone! Maybe you need to make your resolutions more simple […]

The Benefits of Humidity


The cozy warmth of your home is an essential requirement when you live in the cold Alberta climate. However, by continually recycling the air in your home you can lose necessary humidity which can lead to a wide range of problems. Forced-air central heating systems reheat the air in your home and recirculate the same […]

Maintenance tips from Napoleon Heating and Cooling

When should you call your HVAC technician for a tune-up? Napoleon Heating and Cooling has some tips for you as a homeowner. Like all furnace manufacturers they recommend having your heating and cooling equipment inspected by an HVAC technician at least once per year. Book your annual furnace maintenance today by calling IGNITE at 780.919.4916. […]

AC Maintenance Steps for the Start of the Season

We’ve heard from a few of our customers that they don’t really know what they should be doing to start-up their AC in the spring. If you’re just flipping the switch to cool and hoping for the best, there’s a few more steps you should be taking to ensure you maintain the longevity of your […]