Air Conditioner Myths Busted!

We all want to get the most out of our air conditioner, however, there are some myths floating around that aren’t actually true. Here, we will look at some of the most common Air Conditioner myths we hear and let you know if it’s BUSTED! or TRUE! MYTH: Using an Air Conditioner can give you […]

How Quiet is a Napoleon Air Conditioner?

One of the questions we are often asked by customers is: How quiet will a Napoleon Air Conditioner be in my backyard? No one wants to hear the annoying buzz of a loud Air Conditioner when they’re outside enjoying their patio for the summer! We’ve taken a video while we were installing a new Air […]

Thanks for your review!

A big thank-you to everyone who has left us a review online! On Google, we’ve earned 4.8 out of 5 stars. We’re looking forward to building on that success and further improving the experience for our customers in 2019! We hope to continue to be your preferred contractor for your heating and cooling needs. Give […]